Tag: progettazione umanistica


Pubblichiamo la bibliografia completa dell’articolo “Spunti di progettazione umanistica per affrontare la digitalizzazione” a firma di Giovanni Vaia ed Elena Bruni, pubblicato sulla rivista Persone&Conoscenze.

Acemoglu D., Restrepo P. (2017), Robots and jobs: evidence from US labor markets, in NBER Working Paper Series, 23285, Cambridge.
Adams A. (2018), Technology and the labour market: the assessment, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 34 (3), 349-361.
Butler H. A. (2012), Halpern critical thinking assessment predicts real-World outcomes of critical thinking, Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26, 721-729.
Davenport T.H, Harris J. (2017), Competing on analytics, Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, Massachusetts.
Davenport T.H., Patil D.J. (2012), Data scientist: The sexiest job of the 21st century, Harvard Business Review, 90 (10), 70-76.
De Bie H., Wilhelm P., Van Der Meij H. (2015), The Halpern critical thinking assessment: toward a Dutch appraisal of critical thinking, Thinking Skills and Creativity, 17, 33-44.
Di Fabio A. (2017a), Positive healthy organizations: promoting well-being, meaningfulness, and sustainability in organizations, Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (1938).
Di Fabio A. (2017b), The psychology of sustainability and sustainable development for well-being in organizations, Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (1534).
Di Fabio A., Gori A. (2016), Assessing Workplace Relational Civility (WRC) with a new multidimensional ‘mirror’ measure, Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (890), 1-12.
Di Fabio A., Kenny M. E. (2016a), From decent work to decent lives: Positive Self and Relational Management (PS&RM) in the twenty-first century, Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (361), 1-10. 
Di Fabio A., Kenny M. E. (2016b), Promoting well-being: the contribution of emotional intelligence, in Giorgi G., Shoss M., Di Fabio A. From organizational welfare to business success: higher performance in healthy organizational environments, Lausanne, Frontiers Media.
Di Fabio A., Giannini M., Loscalzo Y., Palazzeschi L., Bucci O., Guazzini A. et al. (2016), The challenge of fostering healthy organizations: an empirical study on the role of workplace relational civility in acceptance of change, and well-being, Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1-9.
Dobrescu E. M., Dobrescu E. M. (2017), The future of the Artificial Intelligence in economics and management, Review of General Management, 26 (2), 81-89.
Ferràs-Hernández X. (2017), The future of management in a world of electronic brains, Journal of Management Inquiry, 1-5.
Frey C.B., Osborne M.A. (2017), The future of employment: how susceptible are jobs to computerisation?, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 254-280.
Goos M. (2018), The impact of technological progress on labour markets: policy challenges, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 34 (3), 362-75.
Goos, M., Manning A. (2007), Lousy and lovely jobs: the rising polarization of work in Britain,  Review of Economics and Statistics, 89 (1), 118-33.
Goos M., Manning A., Salomons A. (2014), Explaining job polarization: routine-biased technological change and offshoring, American. Economic Review, 104 (8), 2509-2526.
Greene J. A., Yu S. B., Copeland D. Z. (2014), Measuring critical components of digital literacy and their relationships with learning, Computers & Education, 76, 55-69.
Halpern D.F. (1998), Teaching critical thinking for transfer across domains. Dispositions, skills, structure training, and metacognitive monitoring, American Psychologist, 449-455.
Harper J.C., Georghiou L. (2005), Foresight in innovation policy: shared visions for a science park and business-university Links in a City Region, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 17 (2), 147-160.
Havas A. (2009), Universities and the emerging new players: building futures for higher education. Tech,Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 21 (3), 425-443.
Heyse V., Erpenbeck J. (2009), Kompetenztraining: 64 modulare Informations- und Trainingsprogramme für die betriebliche, pädagogische und psychologische, Praxis. 2nd ed. Schäffer Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart.
Hülsheger U. R., Anderson N., Salgado J. F. (2009), Team-level predictors of innovation at work: a comprehensive meta-analysis spanning three decades of research, J. Appl. Psychol., 94, 1128-1145. Kamprath M., Mietzner D. (2015). The impact of sectoral changes on individual competences: A reflective scenario-based approach in the creative industries, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 95, 252-275.
Kang H.S, Lee J.Y., Choi S., Kim H., Park J.H., Son J.Y., Kim B.H., Noh S.D. (2016), Smart manufacturing: past research, present findings, and future directions, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, 3 (1), 111-128.
Kesting P., Ulhøi J.P., Jiwen Song L., Niu H. (2015), The impact of leadership styles on innovation management – a review and a synthesis, Journal of Innovation Management, 3 (4), 22-41.
Keynes J.M. (1933), Economic possibilities for our grandchildren in Keynes J.M. (Eds.), Essays in Persuasion, First Edition, Macmillan, London, 358–373.
Kusiak A. (2018), Smart manufacturing, International Journal of Production Research, 56 (1-2), 508-517.
Lee H., Parsons D., Kwon G., Kim J., Petrova K., Jeong E. et al. (2016), Cooperation begins: encouraging critical thinking skills through cooperative reciprocity using a mobile learning game, Computers & Education, 97, 97-115.
Levy F., Murnane R.J. (2004), The new division of labor: how computers are creating the next job market, Princeton University Press.
Radziwon A., Bilber A., Bogers M., Madsen E. S. (2014), The Smart factory: exploring adaptive and flexible manufacturing solutions, 4th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, 69, 1184-1190.
Shirani A. (2016), Identifying data science and analytics competencies based on industry demand, Issues in Information Systems, 17 (4), 137-144.
Van Laar E., Van Deursen A. J.A.M., van Dijk J. A.G.M., De Haan J. (2017), The relation between 21st-century skills and digital skills: A systematic literature review, Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 577-588.
Wilkins T. (2018), Smart manufacturing through a lean transformation process in Manufacturing Innovation Blog: https://www.nist.gov/blogs/manufacturing-innovation-blog/smart-manufacturing-through-lean-transformation-process (verificato a febbraio 2019).
Wright P.M., McMahan G.C., McWilliams A. (1994), Human resources and sustained competitive advantage: a resource-based perspective, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5 (2), 301-326. Leggi tutto >

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